Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Proverbs 16

1The plans of the heart belong to man,
   but(A) the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.
2(B) All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,
   but the LORD(C) weighs the spirit.
3(D) Commit your work to the LORD,
   and your plans will be established.
4(E) The LORD has made everything for its purpose,
   even(F) the wicked for the day of trouble.
5Everyone who is arrogant in heart is(G) an abomination to the LORD;
   (H) be assured, he will not go unpunished.
6By(I) steadfast love and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for,
   and by(J) the fear of the LORD one(K) turns away from evil.
7When a man’s ways please the LORD,
   (L) he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
8(M) Better is a little with righteousness
   than great revenues with injustice.
9(N) The heart of man plans his way,
   but(O) the LORD establishes his steps.
10(P) An oracle is on the lips of a king;
   his mouth does not sin in judgment.
11(Q) A just balance and scales are the LORD’s;
   all the weights in the bag are his work.
12It is an abomination to kings to do evil,
   for(R) the throne is established by righteousness.
13(S) Righteous lips are the delight of a king,
   and he loves him who speaks what is right.
14(T) A king’s wrath is a messenger of death,
   and a wise man will(U) appease it.
15(V) In the light of a king’s face there is life,
   and his(W) favor is like(X) the clouds that bring the spring rain.
16(Y) How much better to get wisdom than(Z) gold!
   To get understanding is to be chosen rather than(AA) silver.
17The highway of the upright(AB) turns aside from evil;
   whoever guards his way preserves his life.
18(AC) Pride goes before destruction,
   and a haughty spirit before a fall.
19(AD) It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor
   than to(AE) divide the spoil with the proud.
20Whoever gives thought to the word[a](AF) will discover good,
   and blessed is he(AG) who trusts in the LORD.
21The wise of heart is called discerning,
   and sweetness of speech(AH) increases persuasiveness.
22Good sense is(AI) a fountain of life to him who has it,
   but the instruction of fools is folly.
23(AJ) The heart of the wise makes his speech judicious
   and adds persuasiveness to his lips.
24(AK) Gracious words are like(AL) a honeycomb,
   sweetness to the soul and(AM) health to the body.
25There is a way that seems right to a man,
   but its end is the way to death.[b]
26A worker’s appetite works for him;
   his(AN) mouth urges him on.
27(AO) A worthless man plots evil,
   and his speech[c] is like(AP) a scorching fire.
28(AQ) A dishonest man spreads strife,
   and(AR) a whisperer(AS) separates close friends.
29A man of violence(AT) entices his neighbor
   and leads him in a way that is not good.
30Whoever winks his eyes plans[d](AU) dishonest things;
   he who(AV) purses his lips brings evil to pass.
31(AW) Gray hair is(AX) a crown of glory;
   it(AY) is gained in a righteous life.
32(AZ) Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
   and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.
33(BA) The lot is cast into the lap,
   but its every decision is(BB) from the LORD.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Proverbs 15

Proverbs 15

 1(A) A soft answer turns away wrath,
   but(B) a harsh word stirs up anger.
2The tongue of the wise commends knowledge,
   but(C) the mouths of fools pour out folly.
3(D) The eyes of the LORD are in every place,
   keeping watch on the evil and the good.
4(E) A gentle[a] tongue is(F) a tree of life,
   but(G) perverseness in it breaks the spirit.
5(H) A fool(I) despises his father’s instruction,
   but(J) whoever heeds reproof is prudent.
6In the house of the righteous there is much treasure,
   but trouble befalls the income of the wicked.
7(K) The lips of the wise spread knowledge;
   not so the hearts of fools.[b]
8(L) The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD,
   but(M) the prayer of the upright is acceptable to him.
9The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD,
   but he loves him(N) who pursues righteousness.
10There is(O) severe discipline for him who forsakes the way;
   (P) whoever hates reproof will die.
11Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD;
   how much more(Q) the hearts of the children of man!
12(R) A scoffer(S) does not like to be reproved;
   he will not go to the wise.
13(T) A glad heart makes a cheerful face,
   but by(U) sorrow of heart the spirit is(V) crushed.
14(W) The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge,
   but the mouths of fools feed on folly.
15All the days of the afflicted are evil,
   but(X) the cheerful of heart has a continual feast.
16(Y) Better is a little with the fear of the LORD
   than great treasure and trouble with it.
17(Z) Better is a dinner of herbs where love is
   than(AA) a fattened ox and hatred with it.
18(AB) A hot-tempered man(AC) stirs up strife,
   but he who is(AD) slow to anger quiets contention.
19The way of(AE) a sluggard is like a hedge of(AF) thorns,
   but the path of the upright is(AG) a level highway.
20(AH) A wise son makes a glad father,
   but a foolish man despises his mother.
21(AI) Folly is a joy to him who lacks sense,
   but a man of understanding(AJ) walks straight ahead.
22(AK) Without counsel plans fail,
   but with many advisers they succeed.
23To make an apt answer is a joy to a man,
   and(AL) a word in season, how good it is!
24The path of life leads upward(AM) for the prudent,
   that he may turn away from Sheol beneath.
25The LORD tears down the house of(AN) the proud
   but(AO) maintains(AP) the widow’s boundaries.
26(AQ) The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD,
   but(AR) gracious words are pure.
27Whoever is(AS) greedy for unjust gain(AT) troubles his own household,
   but he who hates(AU) bribes will live.
28The heart of the righteous(AV) ponders how to answer,
   but(AW) the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.
29The LORD is(AX) far from the wicked,
   but he(AY) hears the prayer of the righteous.
30(AZ) The light of the eyes rejoices the heart,
   and(BA) good news refreshes[c] the bones.
31(BB) The ear that listens to(BC) life-giving reproof
   will dwell among the wise.
32Whoever(BD) ignores instruction(BE) despises himself,
   but he who listens to reproof(BF) gains intelligence.
33(BG) The fear of the LORD is instruction in wisdom,
   and(BH) humility comes before honor.

This message could possibly save your life.....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ashes and Wine - A Fine Frenzy

"Stay" by Mozella

Forever and Almost Always - Kate Voegele [Lyrics]

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GLEE - "Forget You" Full Performance feat. Gwyneth Paltrow!

A Weekend in My Head

I hate weekends....they really do suck. They suck especially since I have decided to turn from my evil ways and start living the Christian life I professed to have so many years ago. And I also hate weekends because the exceptionally evil things that I once did, are the ones I miss the most, and the weekends only allow me to sit and stew about wanting to do those evil things. It does suck. Being good, and obeying God's word sucks....ok, maybe not all of the time, but right now, it sucks for me. OK enough with that.

In my last personal blog I mentioned that I received a really hurtful e-mail from my father. Well, I have then since responded to that e-mail, telling my father that I need to take a step back from him and my stepmother. Over the course of the last couple weeks, I have really seen in myself that I allow people to influence me too quickly and easily. So I have been in the process of weeding those bad influences out of my life. Maybe not forever, but for now, while I am allowing Christ to sit on the throne above my life. And that is the key for any professing, bible-believeing Christian. You cannot allow other people or things, no matter how close you are to them, be Lord over your life. I never got this concept, and I still don't fully, but I am getting there. I have lost some family and some friends. I continue to pray for them, and I miss them.

Saturday afternoon I

picked up the book Crazy Love, by Francis Chan......not only did I pick it up, but I didn't put it down, until I finishied it a few hours later. I highly recommend any believer pick it up as well. Buy it and read it and keep it and share it. It explains our responsibilities as Christ followers, our commandment to completely love one another, and to be completely, madly in Love with God. Here are a couple quotes:

 "We need to stop giving people excuses not to believe in God. You've probably heard the expression 'I believe in God, just not organized religion'. I don't think people would say that if the church truly lived like we are called to live."

"God's definition of what matters is pretty straightforward. He measures our lives by how we love."

"[Y]ou have to stop loving and pursuing Christ in order to sin. When you are pursuing love, running toward Christ, you do not have opportunity to wonder, *Am I doing this right?* or *Did I serve enough this week?* When you are running toward Christ, you are freed up to serve, love, and give thanks without guilt, worry or fear. As long as you are running, you're safe."

This book really had me thinking, the rest of the weekend. How much do we actually reflect Christ in our lives as Christians? Do people look at us and see a Christ followerer? How do we see "Be in the world, not of the world"? What exactly does that look like? Personally, I think Christians make too huge of a deal about looking "weird or odd". Of course we are odd, we are going against the flow. In in all honesty...I think people are looking for the truth. And that's what we need to be....Truthful and honest. We need to stop putting on shows, and start being real. Unbelievers today still respect genuine people and I think that's where it all starts. I love tattoos....unbelievers love tattoos. Does that mean I am sinning because I have tattoos? Does that make me of the world and not just in it? I don't think so at all. Christians and non-Christians have similar likes and dislikes. Build on that....that's how relationships are formed and how trust is built.

Lastly, this really weird dream I had last night. I will tell you about it, and you can tell me what you think it might mean:   First off in the dream my friend Hilary is with me at the hospital, and she is smoking (which in real life she is def. not a smoker) a cigerette in the hospital while pushing me around in a wheelchair. In the dream I am freaking out that I am going to get to work on time. I end up screaming at Hilary for smoking and being irresponsible for smoking in the hospital. She was my ride to work, but she leaves me. I walk out of the hospital and found myself in the parking lot of my high school. I run across the lawn to a childhood's mom's house and tell her I need a ride to work quickly. She was being really slow at getting ready take me, and for some reason my dad shows up in the dream crying asking me why I want to divorce him.......I scream at him about what an awful dad he was and he keeps trying me to put on these clothes on a hanger he keeps holding up in front of my face. Then I wake....WTH is that all about??????


A Must Listen.... Please :-)

Listen and Comment if you choose....

Proverbs 14

Proverbs 14

 1(A) The wisest of women(B) builds her house,
   but folly with her own hands(C) tears it down.
2Whoever(D) walks in uprightness fears the LORD,
   but he who is(E) devious in his ways despises him.
3By the mouth of a fool comes(F) a rod for his back,[a]
   (G) but the lips of the wise will preserve them.
4Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean,
   but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.
5(H) A faithful witness does not lie,
   but(I) a false witness breathes out lies.
6(J) A scoffer seeks wisdom(K) in vain,
   but(L) knowledge is easy for a man of understanding.
7Leave the presence of a fool,
   for there you do not meet words of knowledge.
8The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way,
   but the folly of fools is deceiving.
9(M) Fools mock at the guilt offering,
   but the upright enjoy acceptance.[b]
10The heart knows its own(N) bitterness,
   and no stranger shares its joy.
11(O) The house of the wicked will be destroyed,
   but the tent of the upright will flourish.
12(P) There is a way that seems right to a man,
   but(Q) its end is the way to death.[c]
13Even in laughter the heart may ache,
   and(R) the end of joy may be(S) grief.
14The backslider in heart will be(T) filled with the fruit of his ways,
   and(U) a good man will be filled with the fruit of his ways.
15(V) The simple believes everything,
   but the prudent gives thought to his steps.
16(W) One who is wise is cautious[d] and(X) turns away from evil,
   but a fool is reckless and careless.
17A man of(Y) quick temper acts foolishly,
   and a man of evil devices is hated.
18The simple inherit folly,
   but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
19(Z) The evil bow down before the good,
   the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
20(AA) The poor is disliked even by his neighbor,
   (AB) but the rich has many friends.
21Whoever(AC) despises his neighbor is a sinner,
   but(AD) blessed is he who is generous to the poor.
22Do they not go astray who(AE) devise evil?
   Those who devise good meet[e](AF) steadfast love and faithfulness.
23In all toil there is profit,
   but mere talk(AG) tends only to poverty.
24The crown of the wise is their wealth,
   but the folly of fools brings folly.
25A truthful witness saves lives,
   but one who(AH) breathes out lies is deceitful.
26In the fear of the LORD one has(AI) strong confidence,
   and(AJ) his children will have(AK) a refuge.
27The fear of the LORD is(AL) a fountain of life,
   that one may(AM) turn away from the snares of death.
28In(AN) a multitude of people is the glory of a king,
   but without people a prince is ruined.
29Whoever is(AO) slow to anger has great understanding,
   but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.
30A tranquil[f] heart gives(AP) life to the flesh,
   but(AQ) envy[g] makes(AR) the bones rot.
31Whoever oppresses a poor man(AS) insults his(AT) Maker,
   (AU) but he who is generous to the needy honors him.
32(AV) The wicked is overthrown through his evildoing,
   but(AW) the righteous finds refuge in his death.
33Wisdom(AX) rests in the heart of a man of understanding,
   but it makes itself known even in the midst of fools.[h]
34Righteousness exalts a nation,
   but sin is a reproach to any people.
35A servant who deals wisely has(AY) the king’s favor,
   but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Breathe Me by Sia.....this songs says a lot to me..

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Proverbs 13

A wise son hears his father’s instruction, but (A) a scoffer does not listen to rebuke. 2 From the fruit of his mouth a man (B) eats what is good, but the desire of the treacherous (C) is for violence. 3(D) Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; (E) he who opens wide his lips (F) comes to ruin. 4(G) The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent (H) is richly supplied. 5 The righteous hates falsehood, but the wicked brings shame [a] and disgrace. 6(I) Righteousness guards him whose (J) way is blameless, but sin overthrows the wicked. 7(K) One pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; (L) another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth. 8 The ransom of a man’s life is his wealth, but a poor man (M) hears no threat. 9(N) The light of the righteous rejoices, but (O) the lamp of the wicked will be put out. 10(P) By insolence comes nothing but strife, but with those who take advice is wisdom. 11(Q) Wealth gained hastily [b] will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it. 12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, (R) but a desire fulfilled is (S) a tree of life. 13 Whoever (T) despises (U) the word brings destruction on himself, but he who reveres the commandment will be (V) rewarded. 14 The teaching of the wise is (W) a fountain of life, that one may (X) turn away from the snares of death. 15(Y) Good sense wins (Z) favor, but the way of the treacherous is their ruin. [c] 16(AA) In everything the prudent acts with knowledge, (AB) but a fool flaunts his folly. 17 A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but (AC) a faithful envoy brings healing. 18 Poverty and disgrace come to him who (AD) ignores instruction, (AE) but whoever (AF) heeds reproof is honored. 19(AG) A desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but to turn away from evil is an abomination to fools. 20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. 21(AH) Disaster [d] pursues sinners, (AI) but the righteous are rewarded with good. 22(AJ) A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but (AK) the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous. 23 The fallow ground of the poor would yield much food, but it is swept away through (AL) injustice. 24(AM) Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. [e] 25(AN) The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, but the belly of the wicked suffers want.
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